Saturday, February 22


<strong>Latest Trends In Pharmaceutical Lab Safety</strong>

Latest Trends In Pharmaceutical Lab Safety

Despite ongoing advances in pharmaceutical safety, laboratories remain full of work hazards. Laboratory workers are exposed to corrosive substances and transmissible viruses and bacteria. In addition to adhering to standard safety regulations, such as posting a lab safety equipment list of mandatory items, laboratories can implement cutting-edge solutions to reduce risks. Containment Improvements Containment safety came into focus in the past decade due to the introduction of highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPIs)  into the supply chain. HPAPIs can induce biological reactions in very small amounts and short exposure times. More than 40% of modern drugs are HPAPIs. These molecules have increased the likelihood of unintended exposure to fine chemicals and substances d...
<strong>Five Careers Where You Work in a Lab</strong>

Five Careers Where You Work in a Lab

If you grew up dreaming of working in a lab, you’re not alone. It just looks cool, right? You have a quiet room with all the general laboratory supplies you need and a task. You may be testing something again and again, or you might be finding out what happens when you combine chemicals. In a lab, you could be looking at samples, working with hazardous waste, or studying the biology of a particular animal. There is no shortage of careers where you work in a lab. If you think lab life could be your calling, below are five careers that require you to work in a lab. Chemist Chemists are probably the most common career that takes place mostly in a lab. You can picture it now. A white-coated worker is pouring liquids from beaker to beaker. In high school, chemistry class was fun for a lot...

How To Improve Office Security

Articles, Laboratory Instrumentation
Running a business is great, but running a business and keeping it secure is a daunting task. Unfortunately, some people want to take what you have for themselves. As a result, they could steal information about your business operations, clients, employees, or sensitive details. How do you secure your information and data with many threats to your business? By instituting a security protocol and procedures for handling information and technologies in the workplace and outside the office. Whether you’re a top manufacturer in that sector, a bio-research lab specializing in analytic lab equipment, or simply in a competitive field requiring sensitive information to be handled securely to prevent damage to your business, you need to establish a security protocol. Consider your competit...
3 Reasons To Become a Neurosurgeon

3 Reasons To Become a Neurosurgeon

Neurosurgeons are some of the most well-respected professionals in our social landscape. Every day, these medical specialists lend their skills and training to help people solve problems in their daily lives that most of us can’t even dream of. The highly technical approaches and surgical precision that make these medical practitioners invaluable in the world of modern medicine provide a major draw for those thinking of entering into the medical field themselves. Of course, speaking with admissions counselors is the first step to becoming a neurosurgeon, or any other kind of medical professional in hospital or medical practice settings. A college admissions counselor can help you tailor your application package to the specific admissions requirements at your preferred colleges. Adm...
How to improve your pharmaceutical manufacturing output

How to improve your pharmaceutical manufacturing output

Articles, Pharma Industry
When you are struggling to get orders out of the door and to your customers on time, you probably need to start looking at where you can improve your manufacturing output to get your targets well under control. Of course, there are a few areas you can look at first in order to speed things up, but you will also need to have a look at whether or not you are working with a realistic schedule in the first place. Speed up manufacturing It is not always possible to speed up manufacturing by just telling your workers to go faster. Usually, when this happens, you will find that your quality drops – which you’ll agree is not a good trade-off, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. However, there are other ways in which you can help your employees speed up without cutting corners on your ...
How to Grow Your Small Pharmaceutical Business

How to Grow Your Small Pharmaceutical Business

There are lots of advantages to running an independent pharmaceutical company, including the fact that they are much more agile than the big corporations in terms of making changes to their strategy. Independent pharmaceutical businesses can also deliver a much more personalized service for your local community, which is a big attraction for a lot of people. Of course, competing with those corporations is intimidating, especially when you consider the amount of money they can throw into their marketing. However, with the right strategy, some creativity, and plenty of determination, success is absolutely possible. This guide outlines some key tips to help you grow your small independent pharmaceutical company. Support and nurture your team Your staff are the heart and soul of your pha...

Photoelectric Cells and Pill Counting: Accuracy, Precautions, and Limitations

Pill counting or tablet counting with the help of photoelectric cells and motion sensors is now an established practice, be it for filling pharmaceutical bottles, or for the purpose of verifying manual counts. Although there are still a few limitations to how much and what pill counting tech can do even today, automated pill counting has managed to achieve some wonderful and unprecedented results for the pharmaceutical industry in recent years. Taking a brief look over the crucial facets of tablet counting, the tech behind it, and the limitations of the process should help us get a better picture of where things stand. Advantages of Photoelectric Pill Counting The degree to which a pill counting process can be usefulwill vary from process to process, but the prime benefits can be...

Molecular Genetics and the Ability to Reprogram Biological Cells

When we think of reprogramming, most of us think about software and other electronics. Few people outside of the scientific community imagine that we can reprogram our own biological cells. And yet, that's exactly what some of the latest innovations are doing. Today's molecular genetics software is more capable than most people imagined when molecular genetics took off about 40 years ago. Now, it's constantly improving and evolving.  What does this mean for the laboratories of today? For those who use molecular genetics software, it means exciting changes and high demands. Perhaps one day, the genetic disorders that impact humanity will be relegated to the history books.  Molecular Genetics Software: What We Can Do Today  For those who use molecular genetics softwar...

3 Most Common Causes for Contamination in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Contamination in the pharmaceutical industry is and has always been a major concern. However, as the general public is getting savvier, and after so many horror stories have made the news, more people are paying attention to it. Regulations are also tightening up to combat the issue, and manufacturers now have to do more to ensure the safety of the public and prove it as well. This all starts by identifying the issues at the source and taking the steps necessary to fix them. Let's take a look at some of the most common causes of contamination in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Personnel Issues One big cause of contamination in pharmaceutical manufacturing actually has to do with your workforce. This is also one of the toughest ones to control. Lack of training is at the top of t...
Understanding the Role of Laboratories in the Coronavirus Pandemic Fight

Understanding the Role of Laboratories in the Coronavirus Pandemic Fight

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, essential workers on the frontline like healthcare professionals, grocery store workers, and public transportation drivers have received a great deal of praise from the American people. The idea that they’re willing to risk their lives to serve their communities during a time of crisis is honorable, to say the least. While they certainly deserve all the acknowledgments and praise, a commonly overlooked group of professionals are laboratory workers.  Pathologists, medical researchers, medical technicians, genetic counselors, and other laboratory personnel work tirelessly every day to fight the coronavirus pandemic on all fronts for the greater good. Despite the riskiness of working directly with this vicious and sometimes deadly virus, th...