Saturday, February 22

Cure & Prevention

Dealing With Vaccine Allergies

Cure & Prevention, Pharma Treatment, Vaccinations and Antidotes
According to a research conducted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), allergic reactions to vaccines are extremely rare among people. The most dangerous form of reaction to vaccine components is anaphylaxis shock. However, the redeeming quality of a vaccine-triggered allergy is that it is temporary, which means most patients outgrow it within a matter of two to five But these allergies and the myths surrounding them are often used to avoiding immunization altogether, which can have severe consequences for the patient and their progeny. As per experts in the field, the most common symptom of an allergic reaction to vaccines is fever, which shouldn’t contraindicate future doses. However, any other serious symptom must be reported to concerned au...

Gene Therapy For Disease-Free Society

Biotechnology, Cure & Prevention, Medicine
As per several genome research organizations, a sizeable percentage of diseases acquired by newborns are genetic, which means the diseases were acquired through hereditary or mutations. In simpler terms, when the egg and the sperm (genetic material) fuse, the embryo formed will acquire some hereditary traits that may carry diseases. A random mutation, although rare, may cause an extremely rare genetic condition. Rather than making futile attempts at discovering newer drugs for genetic disorders, in May 1989, scientists made the first successful attempt at modifying human DNA by injecting favourable genes into the nucleus of the cell. This method, called gene therapy, ever since has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Coupled with the latest genetic editing tool called CRISPR/C...

Genomic Personalized Medicine

Clinical Trials, Cure & Prevention
Diagnostics and prognoses are done based on set standards in Medicine. These standards include symptoms. Any two persons sharing similar symptoms can carry the same kinds of diseases or afflicted with the same disorders. But a question always looms when diagnostics (or prognoses) fail – the two persons share similar symptoms and have been given the same medicines and dosage; what could have gone wrong? Quite logically, the physician runs another trial based on their expertise, or simply recommends another doctor. But the revolutionary research going on in the field of the human genome and the recent startling finding that a person’s biological future (future diseases, life span, etc.) can be mapped using the human DNA. This is being referred as “personalized medicine” or genom...
Why One Should be opting for Personalized Medicines?

Why One Should be opting for Personalized Medicines?

Cure & Prevention, Pharma Industry, Pharma Treatment
With personalization happening everywhere around the world, nowadays even personalized medicines are also offered. But what is personalized medicine? As the name suggests, receiving personalized medication for the treatment of diseases is called personalized medicine. According to National Cancer Institute (NIH), “A form of medicine that uses information about a person’s genes, proteins, and environment to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.” “Precision medicine,” “stratified medicine,” “targeted medicine,” and “pharmacogenomics,” are occasionally used interchangeably with personalized medicine. But why should I opt for it? A common question which keeps hindering people from using these medicines is why should I use it, what will I benefit from using it? Every person’s body type i...
Preventing HIV/AIDS by Using Liquid Silicone Rubber

Preventing HIV/AIDS by Using Liquid Silicone Rubber

Cure & Prevention, Pharmaceutical Research and Development
HIV/AIDS. True that it isn’t much talked about these days as cancer. But the World Health Organisation still bears data that shows about 34 million people around the globe in 2011 managed to breathe air carrying this disease and 1.7 million lost their lives. It is definitely one of the most fatal diseases that has engulfed humanity since it was first detected. There could be some good news: a relatively recent tool that could help to fight back HIV/AIDS is known to be in the Stage III clinical testing being carried out by the US FDA. It constitutes an anti-viral drug that is mixed in a two-component liquid silicone rubber (LSR) that is injection molded into a vaginal ring that releases the drug. A highly advanced combining process was customized for this drug. The machine, metering syst...
How Anti-Depressants Work to Help you Feel Better

How Anti-Depressants Work to Help you Feel Better

Cure & Prevention, Specific Drugs
Depression is essentially a strange state of mental breakdown, gradual or rapid. Depression strikes some 35 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, contributing to lowered quality of life as well as an increased risk of heart disease and suicide. Treatments typically include psychotherapy, support groups and education as well as psychiatric medications. The action of these compounds is fairly common. Certain anti-depressants increase available levels of serotonin, sometimes referred to as the feel-good neurotransmitter, in our brains. Neurons communicate via neurotransmitters, chemicals which pass from one nerve cell to another. A transporter molecule recycles unused transmitter and carries it back to the pre-synaptic cell. For serotonin, that shuttle is c...