Low-Cost Genome Sequencing
BioPharma, Biotechnology, Cheminformatics, Drug Development, Drug Discovery, Economic and Regional Development, Pharma Industry
In Silicon Valley, Moore's law appears to remained on equivalent balance with the regular laws classified by Isaac Newton. Intel prime supporter Gordon Moore's notorious perception that registering power has a tendency to twofold — and that its value hence parts — like clockwork has held valid for about 50 years with just minor update. Yet as a model of quick transform, it is the focus of energetic ill-use from genome analysts.
In many presentations over the past few years, researchers have contrasted the slant of Moore's law and the quickly dropping expenses of DNA sequencing. For some time they kept pace, however since something like 2007, it has not even been close. The cost of sequencing a normal human genome has plunged from about Us$10 million to a couple of thousand dollars in only...