Sunday, February 23

Tag: clinical research

Emerging Job Opportunities in Big Pharma

Emerging Job Opportunities in Big Pharma

Pharma Industry
Big pharma is an industry going through a downturn. According to BioInsights founder, Clifford Mintz, over 300,000 pharmaceutical workers have lost their jobs in the last 15 years. The worst hit areas have been in research and development as well as sales. Increased competition from foreign companies and economic recession are responsible for this downturn. The cost of producing new drugs is also on the rise. Despite the bleak outlook for the industry, some pharmaceutical jobs are still in demand. Here are 8 sectors of Big Pharma that are expected to continue hiring workers. 1) Clinical Research Mintz refers to clinical research as the "lifeblood" of the pharmaceutical industry. He adds that even with the downturn, clinical researchers are still in high demand around the world. They a...