Sunday, February 23

Tag: Indoor Air Quality Monitor

Modern Superior Quality Air Monitoring Equipment

Modern Superior Quality Air Monitoring Equipment

Laboratory Instrumentation
Instrumex's is a renowned manufacturer and exporter of range of Air Monitoring Equipment. The instruments of Instrumex are of superior quality, manufactured at the company’s production unit by using advanced techniques and components. The IAQ-2500TH is original designed Indoor Air Quality Monitor with the unique feature of dust concentration detection with temperature & humidity. It works under the laser scattering principle for detection of particle concentration. The diverse ranges are Instrumex Respirable Dust Sampler IPM 115 BL-NL, Instrumex PM 2.5 Ambient Fine Dust Sampler, Instrumex Stack Monitoring Kit IPM-112 and Instrumex Portable or Handy Dust Sampler IPM-191. This modern technology guarantees low cost measurement of dust concentration. It is enclosed in a strong ABS pla...