Saturday, February 22

ICT an Aid to the Pharma Sector

Tremendous pressures exerted from every source for the societal and economic development keep exercising pressures from all around. Governments look forward for the companies from vivid industrial sectors to outperform and raise the scope for employment, GDP contribution and the revenues to the government in form to various taxes.

At the same the companies are keen on huge investments in any state, only when the state is in a position of offer them good subsidies, and tax exemptions and infrastructure which can facilitate them with the logistics, human resource skill development, and the key issue of ICT facilitation.

In today’s scenario, many states are keen on encouraging the investments from pharma companies, and these locations have become a free zone for the companies of small and mid-sized organizations. Companies are thriving towards making new product developments and get patented for marketing license, and there is overall growth which is envisaged across the sector.

Companies are looking forward to an integrated approach and leave no stone unturned in the interest of taking the organizations towards its growth. Over a period of time companies has been adapting the emerging trends and aligning themselves to the global development.

Information and communication technology is also a major integration which the companies have taken in to account very effectively. There is tremendous change in the way the technology is put to use by the companies in their growth trajectory.

ICT is one of the fast evolving sector in India, and is integrating to the industrial requirements in a very effective manner. Information and technology has been put to wider use. Today, most of the pharma companies rely on the technology and communication systems for availing the benefit of cost cut downs. ICT is becoming a very resourceful medium for companies to work on Training the work force from offshore locations, having an integrated marketing approach with the usage of sales force automation, Enterprise resource management applications and many other such vital communication systems in place.

This is helping the organizations cut down the operational costs to a good extent and also is supporting the companies in the overall management in a smooth and efficient manner when compared to the conventional approach. Despite of all the leverage which is provided by ICT to the pharma companies, still there are considerable numbers of companies who have to adapt the ICT in their operational process and get benefited. Unless the companies keep adapting the emerging trends and have a robust growth, the emergence of new technologies has no meaning.

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