Sunday, February 23
Emerging Job Opportunities in Big Pharma

Emerging Job Opportunities in Big Pharma

Pharma Industry
Big pharma is an industry going through a downturn. According to BioInsights founder, Clifford Mintz, over 300,000 pharmaceutical workers have lost their jobs in the last 15 years. The worst hit areas have been in research and development as well as sales. Increased competition from foreign companies and economic recession are responsible for this downturn. The cost of producing new drugs is also on the rise. Despite the bleak outlook for the industry, some pharmaceutical jobs are still in demand. Here are 8 sectors of Big Pharma that are expected to continue hiring workers. 1) Clinical Research Mintz refers to clinical research as the "lifeblood" of the pharmaceutical industry. He adds that even with the downturn, clinical researchers are still in high demand around the world. They a...
Why One Should be opting for Personalized Medicines?

Why One Should be opting for Personalized Medicines?

Cure & Prevention, Pharma Industry, Pharma Treatment
With personalization happening everywhere around the world, nowadays even personalized medicines are also offered. But what is personalized medicine? As the name suggests, receiving personalized medication for the treatment of diseases is called personalized medicine. According to National Cancer Institute (NIH), “A form of medicine that uses information about a person’s genes, proteins, and environment to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.” “Precision medicine,” “stratified medicine,” “targeted medicine,” and “pharmacogenomics,” are occasionally used interchangeably with personalized medicine. But why should I opt for it? A common question which keeps hindering people from using these medicines is why should I use it, what will I benefit from using it? Every person’s body type i...
Precautions to be taken while disposing of medicines

Precautions to be taken while disposing of medicines

Pharma Industry, Pharmaceutical Sustainability, Pharmaceutical Waste
Unknown Fact: Did you that like plastics, pharmaceuticals can also be recycled? Yes, pharmaceuticals can be recycled and need to be recycled at any cost. There are merits and even few reasons on why we need to do this responsible act. Some of the significant reasons include: Community Safety: As a part of community, it is our duty to safeguard the community. Medications that are thrown in the garbage can potentially be discovered by children, pets, fraudsters who could use the wrongly. Correct disposal of medications can help in prevent in misuse of pharmaceuticals and save lives of many. Pollution: Pollution has become a major concern in the environment and it needs to be controlled. When drugs are not disposed or recycled properly into the garbage or flushed down th...
Pharmaceutical Collaboration in Pharma industry

Pharmaceutical Collaboration in Pharma industry

Pharmaceutical Collaboration
Collaboration is not new in the Pharmaceutical industry as it had started few years back. It involves the association of Pharma industry strategists; decision makers’ etc where great things can be accomplished. Collaborating with Pharma officials not only generates recommendations, guidelines, and best practices, but also fosters new models and pushes the whole sector towards faster progress. And today, faster progress is what we require to deliver more affordable, safer and more effective medicine to patients. Pharmaceutical collaboration improves productivity and efficiency and this approach has been adopted to solve problems in terms of lack of productivity and innovation. Build Right Strategies around Pre-competitive Collaboration Right strategies help to build right strat...
Be Aware of Drug Counterfeiting

Be Aware of Drug Counterfeiting

Drug Counterfeiting, Pharma Industry
Drug counterfeiting has become a menace in the Pharmaceutical Industry. It has become an easy means for fraudsters to make money and there seems to be no end to their menace. But, What is Drug Counterfeiting? Drug Counterfeiting is forged drug which consists of either a wrong or no active ingredient. The drug may sometimes even have a correct active ingredient but taken in wrong dose. They’re very illegal according to the law of the land and most importantly dangerous to the health. Reach of Drug Counterfeiting in the Market: The shocking aspect of this menace is that it is happening in both first and third world countries. It has come into limelight only after a majority of death cases happening on a regular basis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, it is pre...
Granulation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Granulation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Medicine, Tableting and Encapsulation
In the Pharmaceutical industry, Granulation can be defined as the act or process in which primary powder particles are adhered to form larger, multi-particle entities. Typically during the production of tablets and capsules, granules are made as an intermediate product and have a usual size range between 0.2 to 0.5 mm, while larger granules are used as a dosage form. Granulation particularly starts after initial dry mixing of the required powdered ingredients so that there is a consistent distribution of each ingredient through the mix. But!!!! Why Particularly Only Me? There are various reasons for choosing the granulation method out of the various tablets manufacturing process. To avoid segregation of the components of the powder mix: Please, don’t blend me with them!!! Se...
George Clinical harnessing innovation to improve patient retention in clinical trials

George Clinical harnessing innovation to improve patient retention in clinical trials

Clinical Trials
George Clinical’s parent organisation, The George Institute for Global Health and its TEXTCARE application, has been named a top 10 finalist in this year’s Google Impact Challenge. With a top prize of AUD $750,000, The George Institute has the opportunity to use its proven text messaging platform to tackle chronic disease on a global scale. “An SMS has the power to save millions of lives,” Professor Clara Chow, Director of the George Institute’s Cardiovascular Division and one of George Clinical’s Scientific Leaders said following the nomination. “We have over five years of evidence to prove that this method of communication with patients can have a long-lasting impact on their lifestyle and their adherence to medication. As such, TEXTCARE has the potential to significantly improve a pati...
Blister Packing for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Blister Packing for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharma Industry
Packing is an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry. The packing is again of different kinds namely bottles, bags, pre-filled syringes, sachets, blister packs, etc. The blister packs have many advantages because which is popular choice for tablets and capsules by the manufacturers. Some of them include: They protect the medicines from moisture and gas to guarantee long shelf life. It is very reasonable in price and high volumes can be easily produced. They are very easy for usage and are available in a variety of colours. And the biggest disadvantage of it is that it needs a sealing process to fix to the plastic. In this article we will discuss about the tips can help make sure that there is successful forming, filling, and sealing experience.  So, below are the ste...
GMP Compliance Services for Pharmaceuticals

GMP Compliance Services for Pharmaceuticals

FDA Approved Devices, Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
Good Manufacturing Practice, or GMP, is a set of regulations issued by the US Food and Drug Administration under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. They require processors, manufacturers and packagers of medical devices, drugs and foods to take proactive steps towards ensuring the safety, effectiveness and purity of their products. These regulations ensure quality approach and practices to reduce (or remove) errors and contamination, in order to protect consumers. GMP Inspections – Types and Objectives To keep inspections relevant, GMP processes are categorized according to several types, each with different objectives: Pre-Approval Inspection (PAI) The primary objective is to confirm readiness for commercially manufacturing a product, and investigations include: • Ma...
Future Trends of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Future Trends of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Articles, Pharma Industry
Medical innovation keeps taking place every hour, every minute and every second of the day. It’s very essential to be in accordance with innovation happening to make a mark in the industry. In this article, we will future trends of the Pharma industry. These trends surely will change the face of pharmaceutical industry completely. Below are the future trends of the Pharma world. Adopting a flexible approach to pricing: Pricing is the biggest hurdle for the majority of the people. The Pharma companies need to more flexible when tackling the pricing of the drugs, medicines. With the rising gap between the rich and the poor (especially in the third world), it’ll be highly difficult for the customers to afford it which can ultimately cost them their lives. Personalized medicine: ...